You could say it started with vanity. We believed we were special. But the truth is we were simply vulnerable.
Months after landing their dream job, five brilliant young minds are sent on a remote retreat.
But when one of them disappears, they’re forced to question why they were brought there in the first place.
And for the first time in their lives, they realise too much knowledge can be deadly . . .
One of them is lying.
One of them is guilty.
No one is safe.
I’m the biggest fan of Colette McBeth, she writes some of the best psychological character drama out there at the moment and Call Me A Liar only confirms that.
The group dynamic set up in this novel is utterly gripping, young friends and work colleagues on a retreat, but this is no ordinary retreat and everyone has at least one thing to hide…
This author writes the characters we love to hate to love, all of them very human, incredibly authentic and entirely engaging. Then she sets them into a twisty, relevant, morally blurred situation and leaves them to fight it out, usually as here in a proper page turner of a literary delight.
What I love about it is the genuinely unexpected nature of the plot development, impossible to predict as each new secret is revealed. A thought provoking theme and a beautifully layered story only seals the deal, a perfectly formed finale creating an excellent close to proceedings.
Completely wonderful to read, first page to last. Highly Recommended.
You can purchase Call Me A Liar (Headline) here.
Happy Reading!