Publication Date: 30th July from Harper Collins
Source: Publisher Review Copy
Freedom Oliver has plenty of secrets. She lives in a small Oregon town and keeps mostly to herself. Her few friends and neighbors know she works at the local biker bar; they know she gets arrested for public drunkenness almost every night; they know she’s brash, funny, and fearless.
What they don’t know is that Freedom Oliver is a fake name. They don’t know that she was arrested for killing her husband, a cop, twenty years ago. They don’t know she put her two kids up for adoption.
Freedom’s Child is a brilliantly authentic and addictive read – one I devoured in two sittings and really did not want to raise my head from – it is dark, delicious and has the most amazing main protagonist, someone you will get right behind.
Freedom is in witness protection, she muddles through the days and nights, missing her children and taking no nonsense. When her daughter goes missing she sets off to find her, stalked by her husband’s family there is danger every step of the way.
Jax Miller writes with a kind of wild abandon that suits her characters and settings perfectly – there is a really sharp and imaginative edge to how she puts things across, enveloping the reader in the tale completely, making Freedom’s Child a really really great reading experience, one that will stay with you long after finishing.
And oh boy The Delaney’s – a family of trouble, but the most entertaining trouble ever – I adored them (well, you know as much as you can adore such villainous villains) but they were perfectly drawn – primitively savage with an underlying intelligence that made them so beautifully dangerous.
Freedom herself is flawed, unlikeable, distinctly random and sometimes really nasty – but that won’t stop you loving her. I’m giving huge brownie points to the author for not feeling the need to tone her down, or give her a genial vulnerability just because she is a woman. She is a raw, from the hip, realistic female lead, as such this novel has raised the level when it comes to writing strong female characters.
I won’t give anything away as to how it all pans out, but overall this is a tense, absorbing read with a restless energy about it that appealed to me completely – I hope to meet Freedom again one day, but whatever happens I’m fairly sure I’m sticking with this author for life.
Loved it. Highly Recommended.
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