If in doubt….RUN! Set over several periods of time, the String Diaries is a wonderful thrill ride of a mythology story, one you could almost imagine had been written by the Brothers Grimm should they be alive and publishing today. Following Hannah in the present day as she struggles to keep her family safe, through flashback we learn the reasons for her paranoia and fear. Charles in 1970’s Oxford meets a mysterious girl who fascinates and intrigues him, but little does he know what pursuing her will bring him. With a rich vein of folklore running through the narrative, each new chapter brings its own rewards and questions – who can be trusted? Who should be feared…..
Ok so if you follow my reviews you know that I do love a clever book – and this book is just that. Clever. Keeping you on a knifes edge even in its less manic moments, if you are the type of person who totally loses themselves in a story you will find yourself looking at your loved ones and feeling a vague sense of unease….before returning to devour as many more words as possible before real life claims you back. I had the added pleasure of knowing some of the locations utilised – I live in Oxfordshire and many happy holidays are spent in Snowdonia – so a lot of the time I was really literally there with the characters. And that isnt hard. They are all wonderful – even the less salubrious – and we all know that great characters you can love or hate are the key to a fantastic book.
I’m wondering if there will be more novels from Mr Lloyd Jones set in this world. The last time I read a book that made me want more in the way that this one does was way back when I first picked up “The Straw Men” by Michael Marshall which became one of my best loved to this day trilogies – in fact “The String Diaries” has inspired me to make that novel my next reread to review on site. However the author has given us a well rounded and completed tale – the ending was satisfying and perfect in conjunction with what had gone before, but it does leave you wanting more… Thank you so much to the publisher for sending me a copy of this novel to review. Sometimes I love my life! Over to you Mr Lloyd Jones! Brilliant. Happy Reading folks!