Managing Reading Lists….Can it be done?


Well I asked the question. The answer for me is No, not really! Ok so as a book blogger but firstly and forevermore a reader, when I started this reviewing lark seriously I soon realised that I needed to manage my review copies and my reading life in a much more logical fashion. Then of course, you finish one book – or in my case batch of books – look at your schedule and realise that the next book on the list is not the one you currently have a fancy for. Sigh. So what to do?



Me when its time to choose the next batch of books.


I used to have a very specific schedule – especially when it came to books sent to me for review – but after a while it wasnt working for me. Any reader knows that when you pick your next book you are in the moment – if you are in the mood for a dystopian Y.A. read then a serial killer thriller won’t cut the mustard. So here was the situation. I was being sent (and requesting) many books to read and review, at the same time my purchasing did not slow down. I’ve always had a book budget and trust me, I use it every month! I was also fed up with reading one at a time – my mood swings didnt allow for that. So I examined my reading habits and now I have a system that works for me.

Want to know? Ok I’ll tell you. Its messy…look away now if you like your life to have a sense of order to it…


First of all I realised this…


Then took that and ran with it…

So now I keep lists, several of them, to ensure that I read any books sent to me for review in a timely fashion but without being beholden to them – the most important thing for me now is not WHEN I read it, but that when I do, its got my full attention, is one that I’m in the mood for and I can therefore write a true and from the heart review.

Currently I have six separate lists for batches of four books. Yes maths is not my strong point…

As I start each new batch of books I make sure that at least one is from my “purchased” list. Every third or fourth batch I make sure that one is from my “re-read” list. I love re reading old favourites, and I’m also looking to update various authors pages on my site with current reviews. This is just as important for me as reading all the wonderful new novels that are appearing through my postbox daily..



So my lists grow ever longer. I’m currently trying to track down ARC’s of various books I know are coming and MUST READ NOW. I’m receiving lovely surprise books from some of my lovely publishers – Harper Collins of course, Penguin, Headline, Pan MacMillan to name but a few. I’m being offered some amazing reads.  As someone who supports Indie Authors I try and make sure I purchase at least 2 self published books a month and I accept requests for review from Indie Authors (although I make it clear I can’t promise a timescale). Then I obsessively enter Goodreads giveaways (and give each “win” a big cheer and a priority read!) purchase anything and everything that takes my fancy then moan about how many books I have to read (while loving every minute of it!) Sound familiar?

So Managing Reading Lists….Can it be done?

Nope. Unless another reader has found a foolproof method – if you have, please tell!

Does it matter?

Nope. Every book will be read at the right time for me. This I know. Every review I write will be my honest feelings about the book just completed because I’ve read it right. And I will continue to tenaciously track down any book that I feel the need to read – even if it kills me. Because as Stephen King points out…



Read it. Live it. Love it.


Happy Reading Folks!





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