Listen. A god is speaking.
My voice echoes through the stone of your master’s castle.
This castle where he finds his uncle on his father’s throne.
You want to help him. You cannot.
You are the only one who can hear me.
You will change the world.
Here is a story I’ve heard…
Ann Leckie has written a highly absorbing, beautifully imagined fantasy novel, with a quirky, atmospheric and highly engaging character voice…
I probably didn’t need to take the third party precautionary measure because I believe this to be true, but care in all things, especially when you pick up The Raven Tower because it will deprive you of sleep and leave you longing for more.
In a world where God’s and human’s intertwine, a God cannot speak false. One God tells the tale of history and intrigue that has lead us to the events we are reading about here. About Iraden and the Raven God, about treason and political shenanigans , about a prince who returns to find his father gone and his Uncle in stolen power…
This is an amazing novel, full of vividly imagined communities, historic power struggles, beautifully drawn, vibrant diverse characters and a haunting, intelligently sprawling plot that holds you enthralled until it’s final, heart stopping moments..
I will give nothing else away.
I loved it entirely from the first word to the last. Brilliant.
Highly Recommended.
You can purchase The Raven Tower (Orbit) Here.
Happy Reading!