Revenge. It was all he could think about. His body ached for it, burned for it like a relentless fire waiting to be quenched. It was all he wanted.” With the KV17 virus now in its mutated form and the older children infected, Jasper’s Bay faces an uncertain future as they attempt to find a cure.When old enemies return, causing tension and turmoil throughout the town, Lexi must face her fears and suppress the rage building inside her. Will the virus take hold or can she maintain control? How can you defeat an enemy when it is part of who you are?
I may have suffered a little from not reading book one first but there’s enough information here so you could read this on its own- I loved the premise, all the adults wiped out, kids trying to keep things going- not new exactly but Suzanne Lowe puts a great spin on it and I engaged with main protagonist Lexi really easily…
Turns out this virus now affects younger people, they don’t die but they become angry, irrationally so, adding yet another issue to the many already facing our group of survivors.
In a novel like this one, character and group dynamic are key. This is done really well here, the backdrop of Jaspers Bay Australia is vividly appropriate and adds into the whole. The writing is great and I found it to be a page turner, the post apocalyptic setting is clearly defined and it’s kind of an adventure character drama mash up.
Overall a great read and I will go back to read book one.
Recommended if you are a fan of YA.
You can purchase Rage (Seventeen series) here.
Happy Reading!

Thanks so much, Liz x