Giveaway: The Silver Witch by Paula Brackston


Today, courtesy of Little Brown, I am extremely pleased to be able to offer a copy of the amazing looking “The Silver Witch” by Paula Brackston – I’m looking at that cover and am VERY tempted to enter my own giveaway in a sneaky cheat but of course I will not – this one is for YOU guys so if you fancy being in with a chance of having your very own copy then comment on this post OR tweet me @Lizzy11268 and tell me you REALLY want it. Winner will  be picked at random in my usual way (by putting all names in a literal hat and getting Harry my 8 year old to swish around and pick one)

Here is what you might get for your trouble…

My mind is like the willow; it flexes and springs. My heart is a knot of oak. Let them try to wound me. Let them try.

A year after her husband’s sudden death, ceramic artist Tilda Fordwells finally moves into the secluded Welsh cottage that was to be their new home. She hopes that the tranquil surroundings will help ease her grief, and lessen her disturbing visions of Mat’s death. Instead, the lake in the valley below her cottage seems to spark something dormant in her – a sensitivity, and a power of some sort. Animals are drawn to her, electricity shorts out when she’s near, and strangest of all, she sees a new vision; a boatful of ancient people approaching her across the water.

On this same lake in Celtic times lived Seren, a witch and shaman. She was respected but feared, kept separate from the community for her strange looks. When a vision came to her of the Prince amid a nest of vipers she warned of betrayal from one of his own. Prince Brynach both loved and revered her, but could not believe someone close to him wished him harm, even as the danger grew.

In her own time, Tilda’s grief begins to fade beside her newfound powers and a fresh love. When she explores the lake’s ancient magic and her own she discovers Seren, the woman in her vision of the boat. Their two lives strangely mirror each others, suggesting a strong connection between the women. As Tilda comes under threat from a dark power, one reminiscent of Seren’s prophecy, she must rely on Seren and ancient magic if death and disaster are not to shatter her life once more.


Sounds terrific! So get commenting and tweeting and this beautiful book could be yours.

Purchase Link:

If you want to know more why not follow the tour?

Silver witch banner

Happy Reading Folks!


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2 Responses to Giveaway: The Silver Witch by Paula Brackston

  1. crimeworm says:

    Ooh I liked the look of this – v classy cover, isn’t it? Enter me for it please Liz (come on Harry pick my name out!)

  2. Christine says:

    I don’t think I’ve ever read anything remotely like ‘The Silver Witch’. So add my name in the hat.

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