Liz Currently Loves…..The Unquiet Grave by Steven Dunne.



So. Another in the series featuring DI Damen Brook, I have been looking forward to this one and it didnt disappoint. DI Brook, back from his latest “leave” is stuck investigating Cold cases – a job he neither wants nor is particularly interested in. Determined to toe the line though, he dives in with a modicum of enthusiasm…until something peaks his interest. And of course, this IS Damen Brook we are talking about so soon he is going off at a tangent in his own way and the possibility of a hidden killer begins to emerge. With its foot firmly in the past, this novel covers decades – from the sixties onwards – and each little part of the whole is beautifully written. With subtle changes to the writing style giving each period in history its own feel, the main bulk of the story follows Damen as he sorts through the myriad of information, forgotton memories and lost details that together will give him the solution he seeks. And trust me, its quite a solution. Until DI Brook told me the whole story I didnt get the whole story – but its all there. And with hindsight makes perfect sense. So a clever crime novel, a “whodunnit” but also a tense race against time to save a life. And what was truly brilliant? I was honestly not sure whether or not the clock would be beaten and Brook would emerge triumphant- and you won’t be either. You want me to tell you don’t you? I know you do..well I won’t. Because why on earth would I spoil your fun? Or allow you to spoil mine while I watch you swim in the sea of wonderful confusion, twists and turns that is “The Unquiet Grave”.

My thanks to the publisher for the advance copy of this book. I will be talking about it again nearer its release date of the 4th July and its entirely possibly you may find an expansion on the above thoughts – there is a lot to this book. For now I want you to put it on your lists folks. And if you havent met Brook yet – well what are you waiting for? You have time! For the events leading up to “The Unquiet Grave” it is fine to start with “Deity”. A tip for readers, I know that its helpful to know if a series MUST be read in order. Mr Dunne’s books are all stunning in their own way – but each can be read on its own merits.


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