Snakes and Ladders Victoria Selman blog tour review.

A serial killer is terrorising London, removing a body part from each victim and leaving in its place a single pink rose.

Dr Vernon Sange, a multiple murderer awaiting extradition, seems to know the culprit’s identity—but he’ll only talk to profiler Ziba MacKenzie, the woman responsible for putting him away. Though there’s something he wants in return from her. And time is running out.

With one killer whispering in her ear and another running rings around the police, Ziba must play a game in which only her opponent knows the rules, and the forfeit is death.

Snakes and Ladders is a dark, psychological thriller and serial killer thriller mash up that is addictively clever, Ziba as a character is engaging and realistically flawed, every passing novel continues her development well whilst also offering strong and intriguing mystery elements.

I really enjoyed this instalment, the supporting characters well defined, the killer elements twisted enough for the darkest of us, snakes and ladders flies by on the page, the writing involving and the story compelling.

I’m a fan of these. Long may they continue.


You can purchase Snakes and Ladders (Thomas and Mercer) Here.

Happy Reading!

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