A battle has been won, but the war still wages on . . .
Roper, the Black Lord of the northern people, may have vanquished the Suthern army at the Battle of Harstathur. But the greatest threat to his people lies in the hands of more shadowy forces.
In the south, the disgraced Bellamus bides his time. Learning that the young Lord Roper is planning to invade the southern lands, Bellamus conspires with his Queen to unleash a weapon so deadly it could wipe out Roper’s people altogether.
And at a time when Roper needs his friends more than ever, treachery from within puts the lives of those he loves in mortal danger . . .
When I read The Wolf I knew immediately that this was a writer I was going to read obsessively- fantastic world building, diverse and intriguing characters and a cleverly insightful political landscape.
Now with The Spider all that has just been confirmed for me- a quite simply brilliant, addictive, descriptively beautiful piece of storytelling with a lot of depth and emotional resonance.
Battles fought in more than just the physical sense, a multi layered fantasy drama that really pulls you right into it’s vortex, for me this is talented, intelligent writing that at the end of it left me desperate for more.
A natural successor to the powerhouse that is George RR Martin, dare I say it with perhaps an even more cohesive sense to it, I can see this being a hugely successful series and I hope I’m proven correct.
Highly Recommended.
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You can purchase The Wolf (Wildfire) Here.
Happy Reading!