So a few weeks have passed and I wanted to return for a moment to “The Humans” by Matt Haig. Anyone who has followed my story and its links to this wonderful novel may be interested to hear an update – and it gives me an excuse to talk once again about the wonderful story and offer anyone who hasnt yet read it another chance to read my review. Also to hear from some of the other people (some close to me) who have read it and their thoughts.
So things are much improved in my life – and that improvement started with that one long night, when I was at my lowest and I picked up “The Humans” with the thought that it might be a fun, light hearted read that could pull me out of the darker feelings I was having. It ended up doing so much more than that – I have said previously that this book saved my life and it did. As “Andrew” went on his journey and discovered the worthwhile side of humanity, so did I. Depression is difficult to conquer but you can wrestle it under control. With help and love and understanding from those around you, those demons can be banished. Something I’ve been learning and its been a life affirming journey. This book was and is a huge part of that. And hell, its ENTERTAINING. Highly so. If you havent read it then please do…whether it looks like your “type” of book or not. It won’t disappoint you. I can promise you that hand on heart.
Mr Haig has been having a bit of a nasty time of it of late. On Twitter and in various places he’s suffered some rather nasty asides…because he speaks up about the issues surrounding Depression. He’s not afraid to say it how it is or to point out how debilitating it can be…and occasionally fatal. He talks about his own experiences in an effort to help others. And trust me thats not easy – since I started this understanding of mine of what I suffer and how it affects me and those around me I have also tried to be fairly honest and open about whats what. Heck I find it hard and I’m just Liz sat around doing some book reviewing (And I love being a reviewer because I LOVE books!) – I can’t imagine how difficult it must be for someone with an increasingly large public profile. So I’m going to take this opportunity to say Thank You. And please don’t stop. Its important. To people like me.
So here are a few things that a few people had to say about The Humans. I’m going to start with my lovely daughter Melissa who says it better than I could say. My heart and soul. The girl who was teaching in China and when she realised I was in trouble was on the first plane home without a thought and hasnt left me since. Following her a few others. To finish a good friend on Twitter – Karen. Her story may break your heart….
Melissa Lovely Daughter. Human.
For me and my Family “The Humans” has been much more than just a book. It has been a guide, a manual of sorts, to lead us through some difficult times and direct us over to the other side. The fine balance between comedy, misery and childlike wonder achieved within its pages is a style I have rarely come across (I would liken the narration to that of “The Curious Incident of The dog in the Nightime although of course here we are talking aliens not autism , both offer a fresh perspective on reality). When reading you will find yourself battling inner turmoil, coming to care for the protagonist as you watch him learn the beauty of Human error and perhaps discovering this beauty for yourself. Matt Haig has written more than words – he has given us a piece of himself, something that very few authors manage and many choose not to do, but something that makes us readers eternally grateful. So thanks Matt: thank you for sharing this part of yourself and rest assured that it will reach the minds of many.
Karl Herring. Great Friend. Human.
The Humans was an insightful and thought provoking perspective on human behaviour. I found the main characters journey to be truthful and relatable. It was a breath of fresh air to read someones honest thoughts on how humans treat each other and what we truly find to be important in a world where we destroy so much of what we are told is worth while. it was a book that I fell in love with and that will stay with me for a very, very long time.
Georgina Gilmer. Better known to us as “Aunty Gorg” – Harry couldnt manage “George” when he was little! Great Friend. Human.
When Liz reccomended The Humans to me I was more than happy to give it a go; I have always been an avid reader with a wide taste in genre. Boy was I not disappointed! The story was so refreshing, and believable, I found myself hooked and even whilst at work I would find myself looking forward to my break and finding out what the main character would do next. I loved how the book addressed issues such as relationships within familes and problems in our society, dealing with very raw, very human feelings but still having that “sci-fi, fantasy” feel; keeping the story light but relatable. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book and take my hat off to Matt Haig. Would recommend it to everyone, and infact already do!
Twitter friend. Blogger. Bookshelf Butterfly. Human.
I really enjoyed The Humans because the story was so honest and meaningful. The lead character was so endearing and his journey is utterly heartwarming. But other than that the story was also very clever, funny and original. All these things together, for me, made this an unforgettable read.
Karen. Twitter Friend. Great reader. Human.
Last August my brother committed suicide. In the dark days and weeks immediately after his death I read almost incessantly. I couldn’t sleep because when I closed my eyes all I could see was his body (I had to go to the mortuary with my father to formally identify his body). I read so I could bear the raw grief ripping at my heart. I believe that it’s thanks to books I survived those days, I’m not sure how I’d have coped without books giving me a respite from my at times overwhelming reality. The Humans wasn’t published then but I wish it had been. With my grief not being a linear process there are days when I am hit again with an almost unbearable sadness. I know that on those days I will turn once more to The Humans for within its pages I am reminded that pain is necessary to appreciate the best life has to offer and to quote from the book ” to keep the sun above me”. I don’t ever feel suicidal but there are times when I question what it means to live, reading The Humans reminds me.
Thank you everyone. A heartfelt thanks.
Me. Liz. Blogger. Kind of Human. My original review.
So we come to “The Humans”. Anyone who has read my blogpost “How a book speaks to you” will know that this book is now a very big part of my life. One I will read again. One I will use to get me through the tough stuff. And isnt that amazing? And it could work for you…but lets leave that behind us for now and talk about the book as a book. As entertainment, as fiction as an amazing read and one that will absorb you entirely into its pages. Because it will. This story will amaze you. It will touch your soul no matter where you are in life. It will, I promise. Maths Professor Andrew Martin makes a miraculous breakthrough. But someone is watching…someone who thinks that we are not ready for such things. And they decide to put a stop to it. However as in life, these things don’t ALWAY’S turn out how you have planned them. “Andrew”, instead of carrying out the things he is supposed to be doing, ends up entangled into life. With humans. And their foibles. And despite his efforts to continue on his mission these pesky human people with their quirks and their feelings and their stuff just keep getting in the way…and so begins a journey of discovery. An awesome, wonderous journey of discovery. And peanut butter. Well, who DOESNT love peanut butter? Oh and don’t forget Newton the Dog. Very important stuff don’t you know! Witty and insightful and brilliantly written in a way that makes it easy to love, Matt Haig has given the world something. He has certainly given people like me something miraculous – my faith in the human race is somewhat restored. And if you know me in real life you understand what a gift that is. Still, even just as a random book you pick up because you fancy it suddenly, its pretty darn good. So read it. Not everyone will love it – we are all different – but don’t hesitate to give it a go because if you don’t I promise you – you are missing something,well, super cool. And we all need a bit of that in our lives. And I give you this. Or rather Matt Haig does. Your life will have 25,000 days in it. Make sure you remember some of them.
Follow Matt Haig on Twitter here :
If you have not yet read the Humans and would like to clickety click here.
Happy Reading Folks!
What a great post! The Humans has been one of my favorite books so far this year and I feel like I’m constantly trying to get people to read it – I want it to get all of the attention it deserves! Thankfully, I’ve had several people come back and tell me how much they’ve enjoyed it. Matt has written a serious gem.
Hi Liz, I’m so moved by this post and feel compelled to get myself a copy of The Humans straight away. I love the fact that it has had such a profound effect on your life and those of so many other people around you. Life can be so hard and it’s so easy to get bogged down and so anything that reminds us that the world and the people in it are actually pretty special has to be a good thing. I really admire your honesty in being open about your struggle with depression. I think connecting with other people by reaching out and sharing our experiences both good and bad is what life is all about.