Killer Women Killer Crime Writing Festival. Part 6


So the brilliant crime writers at Killer Women are having their very first festival on Saturday 15th October – it is going to be a rocking day and you can pick up a ticket HERE.

With 2 days to go, here is Part 6  of my trawl around the bookish landscape to find out more about those you can see at the festival – and what they will be up to. I hope to see some of you there!

If you missed Part One you can find it if you clickety click.

If you missed Part Two you can find it if you clickety click

If you missed Part Three you can find it if you clickety click

If you missed Part Four you can find it if you clickety click

If you missed Part Five you can find it if you clickety click

The full line up can be found HERE but today we are hearing from Melanie McGrath, Brian Hill (Century Films)  and Janelle Andrew (PFD  Agency)


Tell us a little about your latest novel and what readers can expect from it?

My first psychological thriller Give Me the Child is out next year, though there will be special proofs knocking around at the Killer Women festival so keep an eye out! A little girl turns up on Cat and Tom’s doorstep in the middle of the night claiming to be Tom’s daughter. But Ruby Winter isn’t all she seems. Readers can expect a taut, twisty psych thriller with a very dark secret at its heart. 

What is the last book you read and would you recommend it? 

I’m reading Erin Kelly’s new novel He Said She Said and it’s wonderful: pacy, intelligent and beautifully written. 

What will you be doing and talking about at the Killer Women Festival?

As one of the cofounders of Killer Women it’s my job to make sure everything goes OK on the day, so I’ll mostly be running around like a headless chicken. But I’ll be putting the brakes on long enough to chat to one of the crime greats, fellow Essex girl, Martina Cole, which I’m incredibly psyched about. What a woman!


Who is your hero/heroine, fictional or otherwise, and why?

We’re all standing on the shoulders of VI Warshawski.


Tell us two random non-bookish facts about you …

I know how to shoot an AK47
But I’m scared of spiders


Tell us a little about your latest novel and what readers can expect from it?

I can tell you about my latest film – it’s all about London and is currently in pre-production.


What is the last book you read and would you recommend it? 

PORCELAIN by Moby.  It’s his autobiography and I would recommend it very highly.  Far from being the usual celebrity tosh it’s a very entertaining and honest book, which I’m hoping to secure the film rights to.


What will you be doing and talking about at the Killer Women Festival?

I will be showing parts of my film THE CONFESSIONS OF THOMAS QUICK.


Who is your hero/heroine, fictional or otherwise, and why?

My hero’s and heroine’s change regularly.  At the moment they are Laura Trott and Jason Kenny.


Tell us two random non-bookish facts about you …

The only thing I ever wanted to be while I was growing up was a writer.  Somehow I ended up as a film maker.

Although I make documentaries for a living I hardly ever watch other documentaries.




What is the last book you read and would you recommend it? 

The last books I read was in tandem (I like to do that) and finished them around the same time. The first was the proof of a crime novel that is coming out next year and is agented by one of my colleagues called THE BOOK OF MIRRORS which is that east coast, intricately plotted crime mystery that was very reminiscent of The Secret History but originally told. The next was literary supernatural suspense, The Essex Serpent and I would THOROUGHLY recommend it – it is sumptuously written and gorgeously creepy. I am in the middle of it right now and am savouring every word of it.


What will you be doing and talking about at the Killer Women Festival?

I am doing a panel with Orion fiction editor Sam Eades on How to Pitch a Novel.


Who is your hero/heroine, fictional or otherwise, and why?

Hero in terms of fiction was probably Atticus Finch – he just represented all the ideals I wanted to be and have loved ever since. In terms of real life, I have enormous admiration and respect for JK Rowling and Toni Morrison – both came to writing late, both have fierce opinions and have broken records and surpassed expectations in every way. And JK’s twitter game is on fleek.


Tell us two random non-bookish facts about you …

I absolutely LOATHE exercise but have been forced to start doing Ballet Barre classes which are so much harder than you would think but which have now become necessary as my metabolism catches up with my 30s….and I once renewed my vows in Las Vegas with a fat Elvis dressed in black jumpsuit and red rhinestones, who sang SUSPICIOUS MINDS as I walked down the aisle at my request because I thought it would be ironic.

Thanks everyone! And that as they say is that! With Saturday fast approaching, I am very excited and muchly looking forward to a brilliant day.

Don’t forget to follow the Killer Women on Twitter for the latest news and updates or find out more about the organisation and subscribe to the newsletter HERE

Happy Reading!


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