Latest Reads: The House On Fripp Island Rebecca Kauffman.

Fripp Island, South Carolina, is the perfect destination for the wealthy Daly family: Lisa, Scott, and their two girls. For Lisa’s childhood friend, Poppy Ford, the resort island is a world away from the one she and Lisa grew up in-and when Lisa invites Poppy’s family to join them, how can she turn down an all-expenses paid vacation for her husband and children?

But everyone brings secrets to the island, distorting what should be a convivial, relaxing summer on the beach. Lisa sees danger everywhere, while Poppy watches over her husband John and his routines with a sharp eye. It’s a summer of change for all of the children too, who are exposed to new ideas and different ways of life as they forge a bond of their own.

While revelations from the past and present unfold, the book builds to a shocking event that will shake your sense of justice and leave you wanting to talk about crime and retribution. 

The House On Fripp Island was a truly atmospheric psychological family drama, with a cast of intriguing and realistic characters that is immediately involving.

Two families, one holiday, many secrets, that’s the scene we enter into and we immediately become aware that this holiday will not have a happy ending…

But that’s where comparisons to popular psychological thrillers stops. The author tells a compelling story of interacting relationships, of children at various levels of coming of age, where everyone holds certain things close, those secrets we all keep. Yet all the way through there’s an underlying tension, a sense of doom that seeps into the sunniest corners..

The House On Fripp Island certainly delivers on its promise.. you will want to talk about crime and retribution when you get to the end of it, the reality of actions and consequences is firmly embedded into this and is hugely thought provoking.

Rebecca Kauffman creates a set of characters who can at turns be both likeable and really horrible, a multi layered group dynamic that really makes the finale shocking.

This is an intelligent thriller that takes normal people with all their personalities and flaws and shows us how easy it is for one single action to end up being catastrophic.

Highly recommended. Read this.

You can purchase The House On Fripp Island (Serpents Tail) Here.

Happy Reading!

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