So thanks Susi for encouraging me to do this – its been terrific fun. And here are my answers!
Author You’ve Read The Most Books From
Stephen King. No doubt. I have read everything he has ever written and more than once as well. Amazing writing, totally absorbing every time, I’ve never met a Stephen King novel I did not love.
When I was in my teens Victoria Holt and Agatha Christie also took up my time along with Mr King. Victoria Holt wrote romantic historical mysteries and I have the complete collection which I return to on occasion. Agatha Christie of course still reigns as the Queen of Crime all these years later. I still find reading her novels fascinating.
Best Sequel Ever.
Oh tough one. I’m going to go with “The Lonely Dead” the second of the Straw Men Trilogy from another of my favourite authors, Michael Marshall. Expanding on the mythology of the tale beautifully, I probably enjoyed this one even more than the first because I already knew and loved the characters. The standard did not drop with “Blood of Angels” the third in the trilogy and currently the last. I live in hope though….
Currently Reading.
The Mermaids Singing by Val Mcdermid as I embark on a re-read of all her books to update her page here. Alongside that I am also reading a brilliant debut, “The Twins” by Saskia Sarginson and a wonderful twisty tale “Game” by Anders De La Motte which is coming soon.
Drink of Choice while Reading
Coffee or Coca Cola. Which is pretty much all I drink most of the time. And the odd gin of course – but normally not while reading!
E Reader or Physical book.
Both! I love a great print book but the ability to read what you want NOW is compelling. I love my Kindle and my book collection – try and take either one away from me and there WILL be blood!
I buy print books now either to complete a collection or because the cover art speaks to me. Great covers are becoming a lost art in the digital world – lets bring them back! If you want me to buy your book in the physical form then give me a reason to love it! If the cover compels me I will purchase the novel and keep it safely on one of my beautiful shelves.
Glad you gave this book a chance..
The Humans by Matt Haig. The book that saved my life. Not in my immediate comfort zone genre wise, it might have passed me by. Thanks to the joys of Twitter it did not. And now it is one of my best loved books of all time and I do not jest when I say I am still in this world because of it.
Hidden Gem Book.
The Devil You Know by Mike Carey. Practically forced upon me by a good friend, it was my first foray into the Urban Fantasy genre. I loved it and I love those types of books now. I read them all. Matthew Swift, Dresden, Peter Grant I love them all!
Important Moment in your reading life…
Finding a copy of “The Stand” on offer in my local shop. When it was released in paperback in the uncut version they ran a promotion. In those days I was young and living on pocket money, I picked it up simply because I wanted something to read and it was within my budget. Imagine if I had not – A life without King possibly? It doesnt bear thinking about….
Just Finished.
The Reluctant Cannibals by Ian Flitcroft. A most amazingly delightful book, if you adore reading and are looking for a terrific tale, pick this one up. A culinary delight!
Kinds of books you won’t read…
I don’t read and never will again, books about child abuse like the ones written by David Pelzer. I have read two – one of his and one other. Its not because I find them hard to read, although true stories of this nature are heart wrenching, but because I have found several times that the so called “true” nature of some of these tales have been outed as, in fact, false. I know that there are genuine novels from genuine sufferers out there and my heart goes out to them – but sorry I’m not reading your stories because its an emotive subject and one that should be taken extremely seriously and not used solely for financial gain. This is absolutely a personal opinion – there are a lot of these books out there and they tend to sell well, so people obviously want to read them. Everyone should be allowed to make their own reading choices without censure or judgement. They are just not for me.
I don’t tend to read a lot of true life stuff anyway. Unless its books by profilers about profiling – a subject I find endlessly fascinating.
Longest book you’ve read.
Hmm I’ve read a few long ones. Probably The Stand by Stephen King and Tolstoy’s War and Peace. I do love a good long book – some books are over before you know it!
Major Book Hangover because of …
The Book Thief. Thanks Will Carver for insisting I read it, but I cried forever and actually get tears in my eyes when I look back on it. Runner up would be 11.22.63 by Stephen King – the bit at the end had me in pieces.
Number of Bookcases you own..
3 in the Dining Room which also doubles as my office for the blog. 5 dotted around the front room and a couple upstairs. I also have a book cupboard, an attic full and my dining table teeters on the edge of book destruction….
One Book you have read multiple times.
Way too many to mention…Re-reading is one of my great joys. I am currently in the midst of a re-read of John Connolly, Stephen King, Val McDermid, Michael Marshall and R J Ellory so I can update all their pages.
Stephen King is my most re read set of books. They are my comfort novels and if I feel even vaguely distressed, his is the shelf I turn to…
Preferred place to read.
Curled up in bed or in my gigantic comfy swivel reading chair that takes pride of place in my front room and overlooks the garden…
Quote that inspired you from a book you read…
“Your Life will have 25,000 days in it. Make sure you remember some of them. ”
The Humans. Matt Haig.
Reading Regret.
None. Even when I don’t like a book I don’t regret picking it up. I don’t waste time though. If you havent captured me by chapter 3, you are not capturing me at all and you will end up lost in the mists of time ( or my local charity shop to be precise)
Series you started and need to finish…
The Sanctus Trilogy from Simon Toyne. Kate at Harper Collins sent me the first one as I was refusing to read it on principle (I hate Religious Conspiracy Thrillers in the ilk of Dan Brown) and I had a massive reading turnaround by loving every bit of it. I immediately bought the other two and they are on my shelf looking at me but I’m busy…Soon though..soon. And I can’t wait to read the third in “The Passage” trilogy from Justin Cronin. I wish it would hurry up!
Three of your all time favourite books.
The Stand by Stephen King, The Gone Away World by Nick Harkaway and more recently The Shadow Year by Hannah Richell.
Unapologetic Fangirl for….
Neil White. Love that guy and his books. I WILL force you to read them if you havent already….
Very Excited for this release more than others…
Dr Sleep by Stephen King of course! The Shining being a terrific novel ( and no it has yet to be made into a film that matches the brilliance of the reading experience, despite the fact that Jack Nicholson rocked!) I cannot wait to find out whats next for Danny. And with the exception of The Dark Tower series and The Talisman books written with Peter Straub, Stephen King doesnt do sequels….although if you are a “Constant Reader” you know he gives you character updates….
Worst Bookish Habit…
Throwing books I’ve disliked out of the window. Literally. Little piles often hang around until someone else in the household does something useful with them….
X marks the spot…start at the top left and pick the 44th Book.
Like Susie, I have gone with my age for this one. I landed on “The Likeness” by Tana French. Such a terrific writer I’m sure she should be more famous than she appears to be….
Your latest book purchase.
The Secrets of the Tides by Hannah Richell. Having read The Shadow Year I can’t wait to get into this one…
ZZZ snatcher book.
Stayed up all night finishing “Black Chalk” by Christopher Yates because I HAD to know. Erin Kelly’s “The Burning Air” as well. HAD to finish that one. Would have died trying if necessary….
So there you go. Hope I’ve managed to be vaguely interesting. I would encourage other bloggers to do this one – it was great fun!
Happy Reading Folks!
I loved reading this Liz – a little glimpse into your world. I can imagine you now all cosy and curled up reading.
So glad you did this, Liz – brilliant answers! very impressed that you’re read War & Peace, love the sound of that reading chair – and throwing books out of the window? Brilliant!! Black Chalk and Neil White now on my list… X