In the depths of the Republic’s catastrophic winter, Major Karin Muller is called upon to stop a group of ‘escapers’ from crossing the frozen Ostee. Ahead, her partner, Hauptmann Werner Tilsner has caught up with the group but is he arresting them, or assisting them . . .
When a flash of red hair against the expanse of white stops Muller in her tracks, she’s in shock. A familiar young girl is on the Ostee. Codename; Wildcat.
As tensions grow with her deputy, Tilsner, and a woman’s murder to solve, Muller must work to uncover the secrets of the state under the difficulties of the worst winter in history.
Stasi Winter, like it’s predecessors, is a tense, haunting and atmospheric read, David Young as ever bringing an evocative sense of time and place to proceedings and embedding the reader deep within the psyche of his characters.
As if the difficulties facing them at that point in history weren’t enough, the author throws a weather front into the mix, creating a chilly and unnerving layer to a murder mystery that turns into so much more….
I’m a close follower of this series, have been since the start and it was a pure delight for me to reenter Karin’s world. The ending promised so much and the read itself was addictively excellent, not that I expect any less from this author now. No pressure or anything.
Genuinely fantastic historical crime fiction. The whole series comes highly recommended from me.
You can purchase Stasi Winter (Zaffre) Here.
Happy Reading!