Top Books of 2016 – Honourable Mentions.


So its December later this week. Where did the time go? Anyway on Thursday 1st December, as has become my own little tradition, I’ll be posting my Top Ten reads of 2016. I think its unlikely that my no 1 will come as a surprise to many people but there are plenty of others in the mix and its been a GREAT reading year. So in that spirit today I’m doing some honourable mentions – 5 books each in 6 categories that any other year may well have made my top ten reads. There are many many more as well but I can’t mention everyone blimey we would be here all day. If I loved a book I’ve probably shouted about it quite a lot already anyway.

It is worth noting that these, plus my top ten are made up of books available now. All that lovely 2017 advance reading I’ve been doing will go into the mix for next year and I’ll be doing a post with the ones to really watch out for just before the New Year is upon us. So here is a shout out for a few books that were huge favourites of mine this year and if 2016 had not had so many fantastic books you might have seen any one of these in my post on Thursday.


Oh my gosh so MANY great Crime reads this year. I will definitely be missing loads. But here are my 5 picks for your consideration. Click on the covers to be taken to my reviews of each which include purchase links,


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SO many great YA books this year but here are my top picks that did not quite make the top ten but probably should have done.

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A few good thrillers this year. Just a few eh? Anyway this, Crime and Psychological thriller could probably all be in one group but you know, what fun would that be? Here are my 5 thrillers that did not quite make the top spots. Again, any other year….

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I’ve read SO many great books in this category this year I might actually explode. Here are some of my top picks for you..

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Psychological Thriller.

Difficult to pick 5 of these. So many great new releases this year and I’ve tried to read them all even though occasionally they annoy me. Here are 5 that were brilliant.

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Finally here are another 5 of my best reads of this year this time they could be said cross over a bit so we’ll call them beautiful others….

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There we go. Hopefully everyone can find something here to tempt them, certainly I could go on all day about the great books I’ve read in 2016 (and am still reading but now that is for next year) and pop back by on Thursday to see which books made my Top Ten.

Happy Reading!

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2 Responses to Top Books of 2016 – Honourable Mentions.

  1. Agree with many of these: David Jackson, Tammy Cohen and Louise Candlish to name three – will look forward to the top ten on Thursday

  2. crimeworm says:

    Liz you’re sickeningly organised! I’m still humming and hawing re my Top Ten – and I’ll have one category. ONE!

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